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Jocurile diavolului

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Sunt multumiti daca reusesc sa castige 20-30, jocurile diavolului. Alaturi de persoanele care pariaza ocazional sunt participanti care pariaza constant, uneori de mai multe ori in acceasi saptamana. Sunt putini jucatori fideli, majoritatea alegand casa de pariuri cu cotele cele mai ridicate in cazul meciurilor pe care ii intereseaza. Doar firma WettPunckt are un numar ridicat de clienti fideli, care vin periodic pentru a paria intr-o atmosfera deosebita. Sunt persoane care pariaza 2-3 saptamani de la o anumita casa de pariuri si daca nu castiga se muta la alta spunand ca au ghinion. Altii pariaza in acelasi timp la mai multe case de pariuri”, spune Cornel Georgescu. In general sumele pariate pe un bilet sunt sub 100. In cazul agentiilor din provincie, mizele depind si de bunastarea oamenilor din acea localitate. De obicei ele sunt mai mari in municipii si orase importante si mai reduse in cazul oraselor mici. De asemenea sunt putin mai ridicate in Bucuresti, zona Banatului si a Transilvaniei si mai reduse in Moldova. Pariurile fotbalistice aduc veniturile cele mai mari. Cea mai mare parte a veniturilor obtinute de casele de pariuri provin din pariurile din fotbal. Ponderea acestor incasari in volumul total al pariurilor variaza intre 60% in cazul firmei Wettpunkt si 90% pentru Superbest. Incasarile sunt mult mai ridicate in zilele in care se disputa meciurile din cupele europene, sau in cele in care se disputa meciuri in campionatele de fotbal cu traditie, precum cele din Anglia, Italia, Spania, Germania sau Franta. Apropierea disputarii campionatului mondial de fotbal din Japonia si Coreea vor spori si mai mult incasarile caselor de pariuri, ele asteptandu-se la o crestere substantiala a numarului de clienti. Parvulescu and Rizeanu insisted there is no conflict of interest, because, as Rizeanu pointed out, the industry does not need compulsive gamblers. During Eastern Europe’s cutthroat transition to capitalism, ‘casinos were there to sell hope,’ according to one gambler | Joe Raedle/Getty Images. Romslot, an association of gambling operators and a major stakeholder in Responsible Gaming, said it was unaware Rizeanu had previously run a gambling company but said it should not be considered an issue ‘as long as she does her job within the program. And then there is this group that has problems. But the ONJN, Romania’s main oversight body, said it sees no cause for alarm over the scale of addiction. Romania is not alone in Europe in handing responsibility for anti-addiction programs to the gambling operators. But critics said the danger is greater in a country where regulation is loose and the state has failed to consult or recruit independent voices not beholden to the operators, jocurile diavolului. Finns are big gamblers, but the industry is nationalized and the state channels much of the revenue back into social causes, including treatment for addicts. He no longer lives with his wife and child. He moved back in with his parents and gambles at night, just like in his youth. Pascu, of the Romanian Gaming Association of Organisers and Producers, conceded ‘there is a little conflict of interest’ in Romania’s gambling operators being in charge of combating addiction. Nevertheless, he said: ‘The education can come from us because we know the industry’s secrets. Educate the consumer to understand the fun element, that you come here to spend time, and not as a source of money. During Eastern Europe’s cutthroat transition to capitalism, ‘casinos were there to sell hope,’ he said. For the youth of small Romanian towns, ‘these gambling venues have become their meeting places, the community centers,’ said Hriscu of the Aliat NGO.

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Jocurile diavolului, păcatul cazinoului

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Jocurile diavolului

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