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Mioveni 1 – 0. FCSB is going head to head with CS Mioveni starting on 5 Dec 2022 at 17:00 UTC at National Arena stadium, Bucharest city, Romania. The match is a part of the Superliga. FCSB played against CS Mioveni in 2 matches this season. Currently, FCSB rank 3rd, while CS Mioveni hold 16th position. Teams FCSB CS Mioveni played so far 8 matches. FCSB won 6 direct matches. CS Mioveni won 0 matches. On average in direct matches both teams scored a 2. 88 goals per Match. FCSB in actual season average scored 1. 62 goals per match. 00%) matches played at home was total goals (team and opponent) Over 1. The match of Steaua Bucharest vs CS Mioveni in Romania Liga I is started at 2022-12-6 01:11. For this match, the initial Asian Handicap is Steaua Bucharest-1. 25; The initial Goals Odds is 2. 5; The initial Corner Odds is 9. Totally, Steaua Bucharest and CS Mioveni fought for 8 times before. Mioveni are the 12th with 7 points in 6 matches : they have won 1 of their 6 matches in Liga 2, drawing 4 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 2 goals – 0. 33 per match, conceding 2 – 0. Mioveni – 5 Desember 2022 – Soccerway. Bahasa – Indonesia; Chinese (simplified) Deutsch; English – Australia; English – Canada; English – Ghana;. Steaua played Mioveni at the Liga 1 of Romania on December 5. The match kicked off 17:00 UTC. ScoreBat was covering Steaua vs Mioveni in real time, providing live video, live stream and livescore of the match, team line-ups, full match stats, live match commentary and video highlights

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